We are focused on getting you better, and teaching others how to do the same. We offer resources for our patients to learn more about Chinese Medicine, as well as a teaching focused clinic with observation and immersion programs for those learning the clinical practice of Chinese Medicine.

About Chinese Medicine & Herbs

Taking Chinese herbs is like receiving medical treatment daily. This allows us to help you in the weeks between your appointments, and make a more affordable and tangible difference for your health.

View more information on Chinese Medicine.

Clinical Training

We have designed our clinical internship program to showcase Chinese medicine applied across a broad spectrum of illness & severity. Watching Chinese medicine in practice on real patients is critical to clinical efficacy, and will immediately improve one’s understanding.

View more about practitioner education and clinical training. 


The Old Man By The Border Lost His Horse

The Old Man By The Border Lost His Horse. How Do We Know This Is A Bad Thing ?  塞翁失馬焉知非福  Sai Weng Shi Ma refers to a famous story from the Huai Nan Zi about how difficult it is to foresee the twists and turns that result…

The 24 Seasonal Periods

二十四時期 The 24 Periods of The Chinese (Seasonal) Calendar By the Spring and Autum Period in China (770–476 BCE), two major solar terms were established,日南至 ri nan zhi  (marking the sun at the most southern location) and日北至…

Congratulations to Melanie, New Graduate & Acupuncture Practitioner

From Melanie With Love & Goodbye! Working at the Alternative Clinic for the past three years has been an incredible privilege. Being immersed in the clinic has allowed me to observe how skilled practitioners handle cases, write formulas,…