We are focused on getting you better, and teaching others how to do the same. We offer resources for our patients to learn more about Chinese Medicine, as well as a teaching focused clinic with observation and immersion programs for those learning the clinical practice of Chinese Medicine.

About Chinese Medicine & Herbs

Taking Chinese herbs is like receiving medical treatment daily. This allows us to help you in the weeks between your appointments, and make a more affordable and tangible difference for your health.

View more information on Chinese Medicine.

Clinical Training

We have designed our clinical internship program to showcase Chinese medicine applied across a broad spectrum of illness & severity. Watching Chinese medicine in practice on real patients is critical to clinical efficacy, and will immediately improve one’s understanding.

View more about practitioner education and clinical training. 


The Fifth Season

If it is Fall already, why is it still hot & how does that affect me? We have entered the Fifth Season! Growing up in New England, we called it Indian Summer. Known as the Long Summer in Chinese, the fifth season  is not a distinct season…

Fall Began August 8!

Fall Has Started & Your Qi is Changing! Don't be fooled by the western calendar that infers summer continues for another many weeks!  For the nature-focused ancient Chinese, the equinox and solstice marks the middle of a season, rather…

Follow Resident-in-Training Tonia at the Olympics this Weekend!

Clinic resident-in-training and long time student of Andrew and JulieAnn, Tonia Scharpantgen is in Paris! Practitioner to several of the Austrian National Women’s teams, one of Tonia’s athletes has qualified for the Olympics. Tonia is there…